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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - verbos irregulares S a U.

Escribe el verbo irregular entre paréntesis en su forma correcta en los espacios. Puedes escuchar estas frases de verbos irregulares en inglés - hacer clic en el enlace de audio.


1) We (spend) the whole day in Paris sightseeing. We've had a lovely time. ...

2) There's no money in my wallet. Where is it? You've (spend) it all! ...

3) The beds were really uncomfortable in that hotel. We (sleep) very badly. ...

4) I feel absolutely exhausted. I haven't (sit) down all day. ...

5) He (stand) at the bus stop all morning. But no bus came. ...

6) Everyone (think) the art exhibition was very good. There were lots of quality paintings. ...

7) Are you going out with Mary this evening? I don't know. I haven't (speak) to her yet. ...

8) Somebody robbed the office last night. The thieves (steal) all the computers. ...

9) Please can you speak more quietly. The baby's (sleep) upstairs. ...

10) Oh, no! John's gone to work and he's (take) my car keys. What a stupid thing to do! ...

11) It was a terrible thing to happen and we all (understand) how he felt. ...

m) I went to the police station this morning. I 12. them all I know. ...



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Volver al ejercicio...


1. spent

2. spent

3. slept

4. sat

5. stood

6. thought

7. spoken

8. stole

9. asleep / sleeping

10. taken

11. understood

12. told

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