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Spanish letter: congratulations on a birth 2.


Apreciados José y María:

Acabamos de enterarnos de que estamos de fiesta de nuevo por el nacimiento de vuestro nuevo hijo. Parece que fuera ayer cuando os felicitamos por la llegada de Anita. Nuestra más sincera enhorabuena a los dos. Imaginamos lo felices que debéis sentiros de ser padres de un este niño.

Patricia nos ha dicho que es una preciosidad ¡y que es el vivo retrato de su padre! Debéis sentiros muy orgullosos.

¡Nos encantaría ver una foto del pequeño; a lo mejor nos podéis enviar una!

Un fuerte abrazo

Steven and Jenny Burns


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Joe and Mary

We have just learnt that celebration is in the air again with the birth of your little baby boy. It is as if it were yesterday when we were congratulating you on the arrival of Ana. Our sincerest congratulations to both of you. We can imagine how happy you must feel to be parents of a little boy.

Patricia tells us he is really quite gorgeous and is the spitting image of his father! You must both be very proud.

We'd love to see a photo of the little chap; perhaps you could send us one!

Kind regards

Steven and Jenny Burns




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