Spanish letter: local firm undertakes a publicity campaign.
Estimado/a Vecino/a: Como usted ya sabrá, estamos muy cerca de su domicilio en C/ Luis Montoto, 45. En Acme S.A. le damos la mejor solución a sus necesidades de ropa, muebles, lámparas, bicicletas, etc. Hoy, nos complace ofrecerle una gama de productos nuevos que le permitirá elegir lo mejor al mejor precio, no deje escapar esta oportunidad y disfrute del ahorro con nosotros. Incluimos un folleto en el que podrá ver con detalle estas estupendas gangas. Si desea más información de esta oferta, no lo dude, Ilámenos al teléfono 954 000 000 o venga a visitarnos, ¡le esperamos! Reciba un cordial saludo, D. Manuel Pelayo Seguro Director de Ventas
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Neighbour As I'm sure you already know, we're just up the street from your home in 45, Luis Montoto St. In ACME Ltd. we provide the best solution to your needs in clothes, furniture, lamps, bicycles, etc. Today, we think we have something special to offer you in our new range of products. You can choose the best at the best prices - don't miss this opportunity and enjoy saving money with us. We include a brochure which tells you all about these fantastic bargains. If you'd like to know more about these offers, don't hesitate, give us a call on 954 000 000 or drop in and see us, we're here to serve you! Kind Regards Manuel Seguro (Sales Manager)
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