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Spanish letter or email: cancelling an account.


Muy señores míos:

Referente a mi visita de esta mañana a su banco, agradecería cancelaran mi cuenta corriente nº *************** y mi cuenta de ahorros nº ****************** y que traspasen el saldo que hay en ellas a mi cuenta en el Banco La Mancha.

Sucursal: C/ Gandía, 45, Torremolinos

Datos de la cuenta corriente: *************************

Gracias por su atención y reciban un cordial saludo.

Sally Rawlings


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Sir

In connection with my visit to your bank this morning, I should be grateful if you would cancel my current account nº ****************** as well as my savings account nº ********************  and make a transfer of the balance to my current account in Banco La Mancha.

Branch: C/ Gandía, 45, Torremolinos

Current Account details: ***********************

Yours faithfully

Sally Rawlings




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