Spanish letter or email: cancelling a hotel reservation.
Muy señores míos: Sentimos mucho comunicarles la imposibilidad de realizar con ustedes el viaje programado a Grecia por causas familiares. Rogamos se sirvan anular las plazas y nos disculpen. Como es de esperar, reconocemos la pérdida de nuestro depósito de reserva. Agradecemos sus atenciones, y esperando poder viajar con ustedes en otra ocasión, les saludamos muy atentamente. Juan Gómez Patoso y Carmen Sánchez Zapatero.
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Sir We are sorry to inform you that due to family reasons it will be impossible for us to make the trip to Greece as planned. We offer our apologies for the inconvenience and should be grateful if you would cancel our reservation. We understand that we stand to lose our initial deposit. We thank you in advance for your trouble and hope to travel with you again at some other time. Yours faithfully Juan Gómez Patoso y Carmen Sánchez Zapatero.
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