Spanish letter or email: arranging direct debit payments.
Muy señores míos: Ruego a ustedes se sirvan atender, con cargo a mi cuenta corriente nº 12342345678, el recibo de la compañía de Gas de mi casa situada en la c/ Goles, 67, que figura a mi nombre. Banco: Banco Olé Sucursal: C/ Bélgica, 89 Titular: Sally G. Rawlings Con la confianza de verme complacido, aprovecho la ocasión para saludarles atentamente, Sally Rawlings
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Sir I am writing to give authorization to organize direct debit from my current account nº 12342345678 for payment of the gas bills in my name for my home in C/ Goles, 67. Bank: Banco Olé Branch: C/ Bélgica, 89 Account name: Sally G. Rawlings I trust all is in order and that if you require further information, you will not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully Sally Rawlings
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