Index of letters...

Spanish letter: invitation to a formal dinner.


El Sr.y la Sra. Bolden agradecerán

*al Sr. y a la Sra. Farnborough*

les acompañen en la cena que,

con motivo de

*la partida de nuestro hijo a Colombia*

ofrecen a sus amistades en su casa de

C/ Pinta, 12 - 8ºC, Palencia.

el sábado 4 de mayo a las

20.00 horas.

  Se ruega etiqueta.

Palencia, 25 de abril de 20..  

(This is for printed invitations and the names between * should be hand-written.)


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Mr and Mrs David and Mary Bolden

request the pleasure of

the company of

*Mr and Mrs James and Sarah Farnborough*

on Saturday 4th May

at their home in Privet Rd.

for a farewell dinner to our son

who leaves for Colombia in May.

Dinner: 8.00 pm   

Formal Dress.





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