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Spanish letter: employee writes letter of resignation.


Estimado señor:

Hace poco tiempo me ha ofrecido Tanner Technics de Londres un puesto en su empresa y he decido aceptar su oferta. Me incorporaré a principios de julio y por lo tanto, le comunico mi dimisión con el estipulado mes de antelación.

Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad de agradecer el apoyo y la formación que me ha ofrecido a lo largo de estos tres años con Jip Manufacturers. Me pesa dejar esta empresa pero estimo que las ventajas que ofrecen Tanner Technics coinciden más con mis ambiciones en la profesión de ingeniería.

Le saluda muy atentamente

Fred Watson


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Mr Baugh

I have recently been offered a post at Tanner Technics in London and have decided to accept the offer. I shall start work with this firm at the beginning of July. I am therefore writing to submit the required one month's notice.

I should like to take this opportunity of thanking you for the support and training you have offered during the three years I have been working at Jip Manufacturers. I shall be sorry to leave but I feel that the opportunities offered by Tanner Technics are more in line with my ambitions in the engineering profession.

Yours sincerely

Fred Watson



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