Spanish letter or email: language school replies to request.
Estimada Srta. Nagore: Acme Language School desea agradecer el interés que usted depositó en nosotros al contactar solicitando información acerca de nuestros cursos de idiomas. Por ello le comunicamos las características de los cursos para el verano del 2008, y le ofrecemos una oferta especial de hasta el 20% de descuento (ver hoja adjunta). Para poder determinar cuál es el curso que se adapta mejor a sus necesidades y debido a que tenemos una gran variedad de programas, le sugiero que a su conveniencia, me llame por teléfono (97 ????????) para concertar una cita. De esta forma, tendré la oportunidad de recomendarle el curso mas adecuado. Agradezco el haberse comunicado con nosotros, y espero poder saludarle personalmente. Atentamente, JOSÉ PESTAÑA RODRÍGUEZ Director
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Miss Nagore On behalf of Acme Language School I wish to thank you for the interest you have expressed in us with your request for information about our language courses. In this connection, I am sending you details of the features of our 2008 summer courses with a special offer price of up to 20% discount (see enclosed sheet). In order to determine which is the course that adapts best to your needs and in consideration of our wide variety of programmes, I should suggest you telephone me, at your convenience, on ?????? to arrange an interview. In this way, I shall have the opportunity to recommend the course most suitable for you. Thank you again for contacting us and I hope we shall have the opportunity to meet soon. Yours sincerely JOSÉ PESTAÑA RODRÍGUEZ Manager
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