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Spanish letter or email: threatening legal action.


Sr. Bottomly:

Lamento su prolongado silencio con respecto al pago del alquiler del mes de enero del piso sito en C/ Alpes, 67 - 6ºB, más aún, cuando le he avisado ahora dos veces por carta y también por correo electrónico acerca de la demora.

Siento comunicarle que, si en el plazo de siete días no ha sido saldada la deuda, me veré obligado a recurrir a la vía judicial.


Gordon Grimshaw


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Sir

I regret your prolonged silence regarding the payment of January's rent for the flat at C/ Alpes, 67 - 6ºB, even more so, when I have contacted you twice by post and also via electronic mail about the delayed payment.

I regret to inform you that unless settlement is not paid within the next 7 days I shall be compelled to take further steps as the law allows.

Gordon Grimshaw




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