Spanish letter: ordering products.Su oferta No. 160A. Estimados señores: Les agradecemos su oferta de fecha 14 de septiembre y les comunicamos que estamos interesados en establecer relaciones comerciales con ustedes. Le rogamos tomen nota del siguiente pedido:
Sírvanse devolvernos la aceptación de pedido con los correspondientes plazos de entrega. El envío de la mercancía debería hacerse puerta a puerta, franco portes y embalajes, sobre nuestro almacén de Madrid. Rogamos nos avisen por correo la fecha del envío, el peso y la agencia de transporte. En espera de sus noticias les saludamos atentamente, Petra Caniasta
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Your offer Nº 160A Dear Sir We thank you for your offer dated 14 September and we are pleased to inform you that we should like to commence a business relationship with your firm. We should like you to supply the following consignment:
We should require you to return the order acceptance together with delivery dates. Delivery of goods should be door to door to our warehouse in Madrid, carriage and packaging paid. We should be grateful if you would advise us by post: the date of dispatch, weight and transport agency involved. Awaiting your reply, Petra Caniasta
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