Index of letters...

Spanish email: complaint to electricity board.


Muy Sra. Nuestra:

Hemos recibido su reclamación de fecha 15-2-20.., por la que nos informa de la existencia de daños en su domicilio ocurridos el día 10-2-20.., cuyas causas están siendo verificadas por

nuestros servicios técnicos.

Para su atención hemos abierto un expediente con fecha 16-2-20.., que está pendiente del dictamen pericial necesario para determinar la existencia o no de responsabilidad de ACMELEC por los hechos denunciados.

Es importante que, en el supuesto de que Vd. procediera a la reparación de los daños antes de la visita del perito, conserve en su poder el material sustituido y la correspondiente factura, con el fin de facilitar su posterior verificación.

Posteriormente nos pondremos en contacto con Vd. para comunicarle la resolución adoptada en este caso.

Reciba entre tanto nuestro atento saludo,

Juan Pérez Santiago

(Jefe Oficina Jaén )


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Mrs Gonzalez

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 15-2-20.., in which you inform us of damages that occurred in your home on 10-2-20.., the causes of which are being investigated by our technicians.

To attend to your case we have opened a file dated 16-2-20.., which is awaiting our technicians' decision as to whether or not responsibility for the complaint registered lies with ACMELEC.

It is important that in the event of any repairs carried out by you before the visit from our technician you keep any replaced material with its corresponding receipt, which may serve as further evidence.

We shall be in contact with you again in the near future to inform you of our decision regarding this case.

Yours sincerely

Juan Pérez Santiago

(Chief of Jaén Office)



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