Index of letters...

Spanish letter or email: decision regarding complaint.


Muy Sra. nuestra:

Nos referimos a su reclamación de fecha 15-2-20.., relacionada con el siniestro ocurrido en su domicilio el pasado día 10-2-20...

Tras el informe pericial oportuno, hemos podido comprobar que, las incidencias detectadas en la red han sido una interrupción del suministro y su posterior restablecimiento.

Como en cualquier caso el suministro se restableció con absoluta normalidad, los aparatos solo pudieron sufrir una desconexión y una posterior puesta en servicio, sin necesidad de verse alterado su normal funcionamiento. El hecho de haberse averiado, estimamos que puede ser debido a un defecto de su instalación o del aparato.

Lamentamos sinceramente este incidente pero, dadas las circunstancias que concurren, la reclamación que nos formula no puede ser atendida.

No obstante, quedamos a su entera disposición para cualquier duda o consulta que quiera hacernos relacionada con este asunto.


Juan Pérez Santiago

(Jefe Oficina Jaén )


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Mrs Gonzalez

We refer to your claim dated 15-2-20.. in connection with damages incurred in your home on 10-2-20...

After carrying out the necessary inspection, we have been able to establish that the incidents detected in the electricity network were an interruption and a subsequent resumption in supply.

Owing to the fact that supply was resumed in the normal way, appliances could only have undergone a disconnection and a subsequent reconnection with no risk of suffering any deviation from their normal functions. The fact that your appliance did malfunction, we can only suppose was due to a possible incorrect installation or a fault in the appliance.

We sincerely regret this incident but under the circumstances the claim presented by you has been rejected.

However, we remain at your entire disposition for any doubt or query that you may have regarding this case.

Yours sincerely

Juan Pérez Santiago

(Chief of Jaén Office)



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