Spanish letter: order for product in newspaper.
Muy señores míos: Referente a su anuncio en el Weekly News para un "estante ordenador ahorra espacio" en $19.99, quisiera hacer un pedido. Ruego me envíe uno de color gris y el tamaño para un monitor de 15 pulgadas. Adjunto cheque de valor de $22,50 que incluye los gastos de envío y pagadero a "Computer Store". Atentamente, Samantha Green
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Sirs I refer to your advertisement in the Weekly News for a "Save space computer shelf" at $19.99. I should like to place an order. Please send me one in grey for a 15 inch monitor. I enclose cheque for $22.50 which includes price of package and posting and payable to "Computer Store". Yours faithfully Samantha Green
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