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Spanish email: university professor recommends student.



Por la presente, certifico que conozco a (full name of person), (nationality eg.: de nacionalidad británica) portador de Nº de pasaporte (number of passport), alumno alumna de (name of university) desde hace (cuatro) años.

Como profesor de la Universidad, tuve la oportunidad de tenerle como alumno en el curso de (name of course) y pude comprobar su alto desempeño académico, responsabilidad y sentido de colaboración, por lo cual le recomiendo como un excelente estudiante, con gran potencial para seguir estudios de posgrado.

Para cualquier otra información, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en la siguiente dirección:

(Address, phone, fax, e-mail)

(Full name of referee)


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.


This is to certify that I have known (nombre y apellidos de la persona), of (nacionalidad, eg.: British) nationality, and holder of identification card/passport Nº (el número), and student at (nombre de la universidad) for (four) years.

As a professor at the university, I had the opportunity of having him as a student on the course (nombre del curso) and I was able to note his excellent academic performance, responsibility and willingness to participate, and therefore I recommend him as an outstanding student with great potential for following a postgraduate programme.

If you require any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the following address: (dirección, teléfono, fax, e-mail)




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