Spanish letter: receive consolation from friends.
Querida Sra. Potter: Gracias por su carta. Sentimos muchísimo saber de la enfermedad de su marido. Comprendemos que debe de estar pasando momentos muy difíciles y le acompañamos en sus preocupaciones y angustia. Queremos que sepa que estaremos pensando en ustedes dos y deseosos en nuestras oraciones de que Pedro se mejore. Además, si hay algo que podamos hacer, no dude en comunicárnoslo. Por cierto, su vecino parece ser una persona maravillosa; ayudándole y visitándole con tanta frecuencia. Sentimos algo de consuelo al saber que está pendiente y echando una mano con las compras y el quehacer de la casa. Sepa, pues, que estaremos en contacto y no dude en llamarnos si necesita algo o simplemente quiere charlar. Tenemos los dedos cruzados para que al final las cosas lleguen a buen puerto. Un abrazo muy fuerte, Mary and Arthur Foster
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Mrs. Potter Thank you for your letter. We were so very sorry to hear about your husband's illness. We understand that you must be going through a difficult time and share your concern and anxiety. We should like you to know that we will be thinking of you both and wishing and praying that Peter finds better health. Furthermore, if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. Your neighbour does seem to be a wonderful person; helping out and calling round so often. We felt some relief when you told us that he is keeping an eye on you both and giving a hand with shopping and domestic chores. Please rest assured that we will keep in touch and do not hesitate to call if either you need something or just want to chat. We are keeping our fingers crossed that things will turn out for the better. Our warmest regards Mary and Arthur Foster
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