Spanish letter: thanks for services received.
Apreciada Shinae: Quisiera agradecerle todas las molestias que se ha tomado por ayudarme en el tema de la compra de un nuevo ordenador y de los programas. Se diría que usted solamente realizaba su oficio y por tanto esto no merece el agradecimiento; sin embargo, creo que su empeño en mi caso ha ido más allá de lo que yo esperaba. Ha venido usted a mi casa en tres ocasiones para corregir los fallos en el equipo provocados por mi ignorancia de la informática y siempre me ha atendido en su tienda con una sonrisa y como un profesional verdaderamente preocupado por sus clientes. Le comunico que ahora todo marcha mucho mejor con el ordenador y gracias a Ud. mi torpeza como usuario se disminuye. Le felicito por su competencia y quisiera que supiera que le recomendaría sus servicios a mis colegas y amigos. Muchas gracias de nuevo, y un respetuoso saludo, John Bodger
Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers. Dear Shinae I am writing to thank you for all the trouble you went to in helping me with the purchase of my new computer and programmes. It could be said that you were only doing your job and that does not require thanks. However, I believe that your attentiveness and interest in my needs went beyond the call of duty. You came to my house on three occasions to correct system problems caused by my own ignorance about computers. Furthermore, when I visited your shop you always received me with a smile and like a professional genuinely concerned about her clients. I am happy to say that now everything is going much better with the computer and thanks to you my I am not so heavy-handed and awkward with the equipment. I congratulate you on your competence and can assure you I shall be recommending your services to my friends and colleagues. Yours sincerely John Bodger
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