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Ejercicio - nivel B1 - viajar.

Lee este texto sobre la preparación de un viaje. Hay que insertar la palabra correcta de la selección en rosa. Cuándo termines, consulta más abajo las explicaciones de las respuestas.

Travel tips (consejos para viajar).

The holiday has arrived at last and you're going away to relax. But it's important to plan your 1) travel / trip properly so everything goes well. Here are some tips.

Don't leave your 2) packing / pack until the last moment. Open your suitcase and as you think of something you will need, pack it. Make photocopies of those important documents and put them in your 3) handcase / suitcase too. If you lose your passport, for example, having a copy will make it easier to get a new one. Pack some 4) earplugs / headphones too. They're always useful for when you want to sleep on a noisy plane or your hotel isn't very quiet at night.

Check what the weather will be like when you arrive. Make sure you will have the right clothing for the 5) time of year / weather of year you're travelling. Will you need sun-cream and T-shirts and a swimming costume if you have the chance to got swimming? Or perhaps some 6) light / warm clothes and a scarf for cold weather. Buy one of those small umbrellas that will fit into your suitcase - just in case.

There may be 7) late / delays . Try to be 8) patience / patient and not get stressed. During the busy holiday season, this is usual. Take something to help you pass the time: a good book or some music to listen to on your mobile phone. Don't worry! You'll get there. Just enjoy it!

Before you leave, read about your 9) arrive / destination . Are there museums, art galleries to visit? If you're going to another country or even another region, find out about the local cuisine. Look up interesting restaurants to go to where you can try the typical 10) plates / dishes . Keep an open mind about the way of life and culture of the place you're visiting. Try not to criticize. Many things may seem strange to you but are normal there.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Respuestas... (volver...)

1) trip ("travel" no se puede utilizar con un artículo o adjetivo posesivo - pero sí se puede decir expresiones sin artículos como travel broadens the mind - los viajes amplían los horizontes; "trip" es un viaje de ida y vuelta)

2) packing (la expresión es the packing ej. do your packing.)

3) suitcase (= maleta - no se dice handcase; "handbag" es bolso)

4) earplugs (= tapones para los oídos; headphones = auriculares)

5) time of year (= la temporada)

6) warm (queremos ropa que nos da calor para el tiempo frío)

7) delays (= retrasos "late" es un adjetivo y no vale aquí)

8) patient (= el adjetivo; "patience" es el sustantivo)

9) destination (= destino)

10) dishes ("plate" es un amigo falso, significa plato para poner la comida pero no se refiere a la comida - hay que decir a dish)

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