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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - pronombres personales (sujeto).

Escribe el pronombre sujeto que falta en cada frase.

Ejemplo 1:
Penelope Cruz is Spanish.

She     is Spanish.


Ejemplo 2:
___ am a student.

I     am a student.

1) Mary is English.

is English.

2) John is Scottish.

is Scottish.

3) Mary and John are at work.

are at work.

4) Dave and I are from London.

are from London.

5) The pen is on the table.

is on the table.

6) The students are in the class.

are in the class.

7) The cars are in the car park.

are in the car park.

8) ___ am from Spain.

am from Scotland.

9) Are ___ English, Mary? Yes, ___ am.

Are English? Yes, am.

10) Are the books on the table?

Are on the table?



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Volver al ejercicio...


1) She is English. / She's English.

2) He is Scottish. / He's Scottish.

3) They are at work. / They're at work.

4) We are from London. / We're from London.

5) It is on the table. / It's on the table.

6) They are in the class. / They're in the class.

7) They are in the car park. / They're in the car park.

8) I am from Scotland. / I'm from Scotland.

9) Are you English, Mary? Yes, I am.

10) Are they on the table?

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