Las frases en estilo directo más abajo se dijeron unos días atrás. Completar la versión en estilo indirecto. Debes omitir el relativo "that". Puedes utilizar la forma contraída (I'm) o completa (I am) del verbo.
Mary: "I don't like watching television."
Mary said she didn't like watching television.
*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos. (o actualizar página) Leer las respuestas correctas... Mejorar tu inglés con libros simplificados (ver nuestra selección)... |
(Todas estas respuestas también son posibles con el relativo "that" ej. Mary said that she... .)
1) Mary said she liked eating out.
2) John said he didn't want to see that new film.
3) Dave said he'd had a hard day.
4) Steve said he couldn't play the piano.
5) Melissa said she'd got lots of homework.
6) Mary said she was speaking on the phone.
7) John said he'd had an accident on the way home.
8) Dave said he'd call when he got home.
9) Steve said he hadn't been having a bath.
10) Melissa said she might stay in bed.
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