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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - used to para acciones habituales en pasado.

De cada par de frases la segunda con used to / use to expresa una idea parecida a la primera. Escribe las palabras use to o used to en los espacios.

Did you have a television when you were a child.

Did you use to     have a television?


1) We went to the park a lot when we were children.
We go to the park a lot.

2) This field was full of wild flowers years ago.
This field be full of wild flowers.

3) They didn't have tractors a hundred years ago.
They didn't have tractors.

4) People here never went on holiday or watched TV.
People here never go on holiday or watch TV.

5) Did Mary always wear those old jeans?
Did Mary always wear those old jeans?

6) Where did you usually go in the evenings when you were young?
Where did you go in the evenings?

7) How did you get to work in the mornings?
How did you get to work?

8) There weren't any cars in this street when I was a child.
There didn't be any cars in this street.

9) Mary hardly ever visited her grandmother.
Mary hardly ever visit her grandmother.

10) My aunt rarely came to see us.
My aunt didn't come to see us very often.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) used to

2) used to

3) use to

4) used to

5) use to

6) use to

7) use to

8) use to

9) used to

10) use to

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