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Explicación del ejercicio...English version...

Ejercicio - condicional primero - will.

En estas frases, hay que emplear el auxiliar "will" con el verbo entre paréntesis si es posible. Si no es posible, emplea la forma del verbo correcto para el primer condicional.

If I see John, I will tell     him you called. (tell)


1) If I have time this evening, I English. (study)

2) If you are good, we you a rabbit for your birthday. (buy)

3) I will help you with your homework if you the television. (turn off)

4) We will go to the beach this weekend if it . (not rain)

5) If you look at this picture, you what I mean. (see)

6) If you , you can take the bus. (be tired)

7) If you want to make an omelette, you more eggs. (need)

8) If you to the post office, can you post this letter for me? (go)

9) If Mary is feeling better, we her at her home. (visit)

10) If you don't finish your homework, your teacher angry with you. (be)



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) will study

2) will buy

3) turn off

4) does not rain/doesn't rain

5) will see

6) are tired

7) will need

8) go

9) will visit

10) will be

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