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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - must + have + participio pasado.

Practicar el uso de la estructura must have been, para hablar de las deducciones o suposiciones en el pasado.

Lee las frases más abajo. Entre paréntesis dice lo que tú pensabas. Escribe tu deducción en un tiempo verbal pasado (infinitivo perfecto) empleando must. Ver el ejemplo.

You saw a girl yesterday. She was tall with green eyes, fair hair and a light skin. (You think: She was from Sweden.)

She must have been    from Sweden.


1) Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity. (You think: He was very clever.)

He very clever.

2) She wasn't home when I called on Saturday. She usually goes shopping on Saturdays. (You think: She was shopping when I called.)

She when I called.

3) Everything is wet when you look out of the window one morning. (You think: It rained last night.)

It last night.

4) There were lights on in the house when I drove past last night. (The next day you think: John was at home last night.)

John at home last night.

5) You heard music and laughter next door last night. (The next day you think: The neighbours were having a party.)

The neighbours a party.

6) When Mary came in, you woke up in bed. (The next day you think: She got back very late.)

She back very late.

7) John told you the computer wasn't working yesterday. (You think: There was a problem with the software.)

There a problem with the software.

8) Nobody passed the English exam last week. (You think: It was very difficult.)

It very difficult.

9) You were watching a lion through binoculars. Then, you couldn't see it. (Later, you think: It was behind me!)

It behind me!

10) A bird was looking through the window. When you looked it flew off. (You think: It was watching me.)

It me.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Volver al ejercicio...


1) He must have been very clever.

2) She must have been shopping when I called.

3) It must have rained last night.

4) John must have been at home last night.

5) The neighbours must have been having a party.

6) She must have got back very late.

7) There must have been a problem with the software.

8) It must have been very difficult.

9) It must have been behind me!

10) It must have been watching me.

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