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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - relativos pronombres - omisión de that.

Ejercicio 1: Unir las dos frases en una sola oración especificativa. Utiliza that en cada una de las respuestas.

This is the car. We rented it.

This is the car that we rented       .

Ejercicio 2: Repetir el mismo proceso que en el ejercicio 1 pero esta vez hay que omitir el pronombre relativo that si es posible.

This is the car. We rented it.

This is the car we rented .


1) This is the newspaper. I read it.
This is the newspaper .

2) That was the film. I saw it.
That was the film .

3) A lovely beach. It had white sand.
A beach .

4) This is the man. I told you about him.
This is the man .

5) Some shops. They sold expensive jewellery.
Some shops .

6) A woman. She looked like my mother.
A woman .

7) The person. She can help us.
The person .

8) Some beautiful flowers. We decided not to pick them.
Some beautiful flowers .

9) The paint. We needed it.
The paint .

10) A map. It has places of interest on it.
A map .


*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Respuestas al ejercicio 1:

1) that I read

2) that I saw

3) that had white sand

4) that I told you about

5) that sold expensive jewellery

6) that looked like my mother

7) that can help us

8) that we decided not to pick

9) that we needed

10) that has places of interest on it


Respuestas al ejercicio 2:

1) I read

2) I saw

3) that had white sand

4) I told you about

5) that sold expensive jewellery

6) that looked like my mother

7) that can help us

8) we decided not to pick

9) we needed

10) that has places of interest on it

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