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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - uso de would y used to.

Practicar a diferenciar entre would y used to para hablar del pasado distante.

Si es posible, cambia la estructura used to en las frases más abajo a la estructura con would para hablar del pasado. Si no es posible, hay que copiar la misma estructura used to como respuesta.

Ejemplo 1:
We used to catch frogs in a pond near our house.

We would     catch frogs in a pond near our house.

Ejemplo 2: (no puede tomar would)
There used to be very few houses here.

There used to     be very few houses here.


1) We used to watch the boats coming into the harbour.

We watch the boats coming into the harbour.

2) My parents used to live in India before I was born.

My parents live in India before I was born.

3) She used to go out a lot when she was a teenager.

She go out a lot when she was a teenager.

4) They used to have a huge Doberman called Tiger.

They have a huge Doberman called Tiger.

5) We often used to have curry on Saturday evenings.

We have curry on Saturday evenings.

6) I sometimes used to visit my grandfather in summer.

I visit my grandfather in summer.

7) He used to have a terrible illness when he was a child.

He have a terrible illness when he was a child.

8) She used to smoke at weekends.

She smoke at weekends.

9) She used to be a lot fatter than she is now.

She be a lot fatter than she is now.

10) Our car used to break down on long journeys.

Our car break down on long journeys.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) We would watch the boats coming into the harbour.

2) My parents used to live in India before I was born.

3) She would go out a lot when she was a teenager.

4) They used to have a huge Doberman called Tiger.

5) We often would have curry on Saturday evenings.

6) I sometimes would visit my grandfather in summer.

7) He used to have a terrible illness when he was a child.

8) She would smoke at weekends.

9) She used to be a lot fatter than she is now.

10) Our car would break down on long journeys.

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