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La presentación en inglés 5 - frases útiles.

Segunda parte - cuerpo, cierre, conclusiones y preguntas.

Continuamos con las frases en inglés para la presentación. Esta segunda parte sigue de la primera parte.


Ofrecer ejemplos.

For example,... >>

A good example of this is... >>

As an illustration, I'd like to mention... >>

To give you an example,... >>

To illustrate this point,... >>


Con referencia a los gráficos y tablas.

If you'd like to look at this graph, you'll see... >>

Take a look at this table. Here, we can see quite clearly that... >>

This chart illustrates... >>

Let me show you a pie-chart that will make everything much clearer. >>


Parafrasear y clarificar.

Simply put,... >>

In other words,... >>

So what I'm saying is,.... >>

To put it more simply,... >>

To put it another way,... >>


Resumen del contenido de la presentación.

To sum up,... >>

To summarise,... >>

In short,... >>

Right then, let's sum up, shall we? >>

Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at... >>

If I can just sum up the main points,... >>

Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we've covered. >>

So, to remind you of what I've covered in this talk,... >>

Unfortunately, I seem to have run out of time, so I'll conclude very briefly by saying that... >>

I'd now like to recap on the points I've mentioned. >>


Cerrar la presentación.

To conclude,... >>

In conclusion,... >>

Well, that covers all I wanted to say today. >>

Before I finish let me say just one last thing. >>

That brings me to the end of my presentation. >>

It just remains for me to say, thank you very much for coming and I hope you have found this presentation useful. >>


¿Tienen alguna pregunta?

Does anyone have any questions or comments? >>

Please feel free to ask questions. >>

If you would like me to elaborate on any point I've made today, please ask. >>

Would you like to ask any questions? >>

Any questions? >>


Comprobar la comprensión.

Does that answer your question? >>

Is that clear? >>

May we go on then to the next question? >>

I hope I've made that clear. >>

So what you're saying is,... >> that right? >>

It seems I don't have time to answer any more of your questions now. But please feel free to come and talk to me later on today. >>

Practicar la presentación es esencial.

Finalmente, recuerde ensayar tu presentación preferiblemente delante de otros compañeros que pueden ofrecerte consejos y sugerir mejoras. Ensayar no solamente es una buena manera de practicar tus habilidades orales en el idioma inglés, sino que también puede ser importante cronometrar su duración - un ensayo te confirmará si puedes decirlo todo dentro del tiempo permitido.

Suerte con la presentación!

Introducción a cómo dar una presentación en inglés...


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