Diálogo del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - quedar en inglés por teléfono.

Vocabulario para quedar.

Insertar la palabra o palabras correctas de la lista para completar el diálogo.

0) I'll see ____.

you then      .

doing there / for ages / forward to it / Friday evening / love to / out for a drink / up to / we meet / you been / you then / you there for

1) I haven't heard from you ____ !


2) What have you been ____ ?


3) Where have ____ ?


4) What were you ____ ?


5) How long were ____ ?


6) Would you like to come ____ ?


7) Go out for a drink? Yes, I'd ____ !


8) What about ____ ?


9) When shall ____ ?


10) I'll look ____ !




*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

(o actualizar página)




1) for ages

2) up to

3) you been

4) doing there

5) you there for

6) out for a drink

7) love to

8) Friday evening

9) we meet

10) forward to it


Diálogo 3...

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