Five-minute Spanish Lessons - Lesson 24.

Prepositions (2)

Spanish preposition "a" and English translations 2.

Let's continue with our study of Spanish "a". We saw in the last lesson that "a" is usually used to describe motion towards and reaching something and therefore coincides with English "to":

Voy a la playa mañana.

However, the Spanish have a tendency to use "en" when talking about travel to places in the preterite perfect compound tense with estar (the English present perfect - ie. I have been):

He estado en Madrid.

In English:

is possible but learners of English should note that "been" can be considered the past participle of to go* (as well as to be). So when talking about journeys British English especially prefers:

*This means that to go has two possible past participles: gone and been. Gone would be translated by Spanish ido (from "ir") and been by estado (from estar):

One way journey:

Ella me ha dejado y se ha ido a Paris.

Return journey:

Ha estado en Paris. Volvió el domingo.

In the first lesson on prepositions we saw that English at is often translated by Spanish en:

Está en la parada de autobuses.

Whether the bus stop has an interior or is just a pole by the road.


English "at" and "in" and Spanish "a and "en".

Learners of Spanish will note that "en" is vague and often does not mean inside.

However, it may be best to learn certain expressions by heart rather than learning rules which have so many exceptions:

Paró en un semáforo.

Se sentó / a / en / su ordenador.

¡Siéntate en la mesa y come!

Se arrodilló a sus pies.

Están tomando una copa en la barra.

Hay mucha gente en el banco.

Learners of Spanish may feel confused that sitting on the table and sitting at the table can both be translated by sentarse en la mesa! Correct context is therefore important! We can see that en can mean in, on or at!

I finish with a selection of phases with Spanish "a" with similar and different meanings from the above. Compare the English translations:

Está a la vuelta de la esquina.

A orillas del río.

Quédate a mi lado.

Gire a la izquierda en el próximo cruce.

Tomates secados al sol.

Se tumbó al sol.

Descansamos a la sombra.

Esta carta se escribió a mano (a máquina).

Está a dieta.

A las doce de la noche.

Estamos a lunes primero de mayo.

Hueles a tabaco.

Las setas se venden a doce euros el kilo.


A la francesa.

Pescado a la parrilla.

Patatas al horno.





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