Five-minute Spanish Lessons - Lesson 21.

Prepositions (5)

Spanish "a" compared with English "from"

Both Learners of Spanish and English should be careful of the right translation of these two prepositions with certain verbs that have a similar meaning to "remove / take away" or in Spanish "quitar":

Le quitaron la casa a mi padre.

Le han robado todas las joyas a una anciana.

El profesor ha confiscado la navaja al niño.

Also with the verb comprar in the following sense:

Vamos a comprar un frigorífico a alguien que ha puesto un anuncio en el periódico.

But the Spanish "a" rule does not apply to the verbs aceptar and recibir and the more easily understood "de" is used:

Aquí no aceptamos talones de nadie.

He recibido una citación del Ayuntamiento para comparecer ante el tribunal.





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