Spanish verb conjugations.Spanish verb tables of regular 'ar' verbs.I have included the conjugation of the verb 'SALTAR' here. (For the conjugation of other verbs see the links in the box below) I use a translation into English of the Spanish verb tenses and aspects. Below the name of each verb type, I offer a literal translation of the first person singular form eg. 'I jump'. This is just a broad reference to help you identify the verb type. The Future Subjunctives are nowadays only seen in literature and legal language.
Other verb conjugations.For the conjugation only of '' and '' regular verbs go to VIVIR / COMER For the conjugation of IRREGULAR VERBS: ANDAR, DAR, ESTAR, CAER, CABER, HACER, PODER For the conjugation of IRREGULAR VERBS: PONER, QUERER, SABER, SER, TRAER, VALER, VER For the conjugation of IRREGULAR VERBS: DECIR, IR, OÍR, SALIR, VENIR For the conjugation of the irregular auxiliary verb 'HABER': see compound forms of SALTAR below) SALTAR (To jump)(Remember: the 'usted' form takes the same as 'él' and 'ustedes' the same as 'ellos')
Here are other possible conjugations of the Spanish verb. Although grammatically correct, some forms (marked rare) may sound peculiar to a native Spanish speaker. All forms are just shown with one person. Indicative continuous:-yo estaré saltando - I will be jumping yo estaría saltando - I would be jumping yo he estado saltando - I have been jumping yo había estado saltando - I had been jumping yo habré estado saltando - I shall/will have been jumping yo habré estado saltando - I would have been jumping Subjunctive continuous:- yo esté saltando - that I am jumping yo estuviera/estuviese saltando - that I was jumping yo estuviere hablando - that I will be jumping (rare) yo haya estado hablando - that I have been jumping Passive:-es enviado/se envía - it is sent fue enviado/se envió - it was sent era enviado/se enviaba - it was (or, it used to be) sent será enviado/se enviará - it will be sent sería enviado/se enviaría - it would be sent ha sido enviado/se ha enviado - it has been sent había sido enviado/se había enviado - it had been sent habrá sido enviado/se habrá enviado - it will have been sent habría sido enviado/se habría enviado - it would have been sent
The passive continuous with 'siendo' is rare in Spain though it appears to be used in parts of South America. está siendo enviado/está enviándose - it is being sent estaba siendo enviado/estaba enviándose - it was being sent estará siendo enviado/estará enviándose - it will be being sent estaría siendo enviado/estaría enviándose - it would be being sent (An alternative of these versions would be: "se está enviando" etc.) Passive Subjunctive:-que sea enviado/se envíe - that it be sent que fuera (fuese) enviado/se enviara (se enviase) - that it were sent que fuere enviado/se enviare - that it will be sent
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